My Man is coming home!

Hello everyone. I heard some news. They think I don’t understand because I choose to be aloof sometimes. After all, my blog is thoughtful and erudite. I have a persona to maintain. Anyhoo, back in March my Man went away. I never really understood why, but my Woman and my Boy were not happy about it. Evelyn the Embarrassment and I were ok, but we liked our Man a lot. So when my Woman whispered into my ear that he is coming back, I didn’t even blink. But I’m happy.

Dakota’s Top 10 List about his Man:

10. He puts ice in the kitchen water bowl, just for fun.

9. He never laughed when I tried to lift my leg to pee…after my leg was stolen.

8. He makes my Boy leave me alone when I need my space.

7. He walked in the woods with me before the leg elves took my leg by stealth.

6. He installed the dog door.

5. He talks baby talk to me, but just the right amount. Not too much.

4. He makes Evelyn bug off.

3. He was so good to our Spirit dogs before they crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

2. He paid the vet bills.

1. He stopped the car for me when I was dumped!

I was practicing how I am going to meet him when he comes home. Whaddya think?


Author: Dakota Dawg

Dakota lived high in Colorado and was a member of the February Furballs. He lost a front leg to soft tissue sarcoma on 2-11-11. Dakota impulsively decided to see what the whole "rainbow bridge" business was about on 12-15-12 and before we could stop him, he was gone. But never forgotten. Never.

21 thoughts on “My Man is coming home!”

  1. Hey Dakota, I hope everyone in the house is as happy as you that your man is coming home. Well maybe not Evelyn…
    Ice cubes and dog doors- sounds like he will be useful to have around.

    Karen and the pugapalooza

  2. Dakota, I would love a greeting like that and I bet your man will too (well, I would want some kisses as well…).

    I would be very sad if my pawp went away for so long! I’m excited that your man is coming home. Your man sounds good. My pawp can’t install a dog door, but he has his good points. He has never peed on my bed either. That counts for a lot.

    Give him some kisses from me. I am totally into kissing men I don’t know. 🙂

    1. Abby, I will probably give kisses, too. You can come help if you want! I know that you like to kiss strangers. My Woman showed me that picture of you on the couch and said “I would warn you about her if she didn’t live so far away.”

          1. Greyhound, ‘natch! Yes, text it to me. Oooo. A rendezvous with an older man! I’m very excited. Now I just have to save up the money from my modeling career. Let’s see… adding, adding, adding, carry the one… um, so far I have zero.

            I’ll keep working on it though!

  3. geesh, who wouldn’t want to be greeted like that!!! wonderful news…and the ice cubes…charon says she’s especially happy when don (aka ron) comes home and adds ice cubes to her g & t.

    thanks for sharing your great news!!!

    gayle & charon

  4. You look Pawsome in that photo Dawg!
    and we support your woman and wish you all happy hearts!
    Hope that man is practicing too!

    Your friend
    (who doesnt write enough)

      1. My mom and pawp are havin’ a pawty! But they are not sharing the margs with me. No tequila for dogs. humph. Who made that rule?? There are not a lot of rules here at my house, but they do have that one…

  5. Oh, D-Dawg, that’s pawsome news! And your greeting looks just about perfect to me.


    PS: my mom won’t let me have tequila either, and she doesn’t even let me have the last drops of beer anymore either. She’s gotten so uptight since I had to have that stoopid kemo.

    1. Howdy Sheriff Wyatt! I think this is gonna be great! I’m gonna like my Man even more now because of some things I heard. Like, he was kind of a bonehead, and he’s been in the doghouse. Doesn’t that sound pawesome? He and I can go to the doghouse with our bones, together!

  6. D Dawg,
    You running towards him will definitely make him smile. I sure hope all works out for all!!!!

    Izzy Bear

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