I don’t have a freakin’ clue what an ampuversary is, but my Woman told me that if I was going to write this blog (another word that sounds like something I hawked up), I should say it’s my 2-week ampuversary. I think she means it’s been 2 weeks since these nice ladies talked to me while I went to sleep and then forgot to guard me and let someone come in and chop off my leg. What’s so special about that? I think it’s a lot like D-Day, another day that will live in infamy. And I don’t trust my Woman now because that’s twice that she took me someplace and let people cut off important bits.
Anyway, I did something that amazed my Woman. You see, my Man and my Woman and my Boy got up early and then left the house really fast. Last night they were putting a bunch of stuff into bags and boxes and I know what that means. It means someone is going away and leaving me with this monkeydog Evelyn. But I never know who’s leaving, and sometimes that stresses me out a bit. I stress easily. I’m rather delicate that way. So I got nervous that I was being left. I decided to see if anyone else was here. I went upstairs to the big bedroom. I haven’t tried going upstairs since they whacked off my leg, but it wasn’t too hard, I guess. Honestly, I don’t remember how hard it was. I have a bad memory, too.
I lay down in the big bedroom and waited to see what would happen and if anyone was going to come home. And I knew that the closed door had someone behind it, someone still asleep. My Man and Woman’s other Boy is living here with his Woman. They are staying for a little while. Something about moving here and finding a house. Anyhoo, I knew that Woman was in there and she would see me when she woke up. And she did! And she was so surprised and she made funny noises and gave me lots of love. And then she had to figure out how the hell to get me down the stairs because I didn’t think that far ahead. But we worked it out.
So that’s my ampuversary story. My Woman came home without my Man. I guess he is gone for awhile. That’s ok, because my Woman is the one who knows the food trick so she’s the important one. I heard her say I should be sweet to him because he paid for the amputation, whatever that means. They’re such funny guys.
Love, D.

Hey Dakota! Happy Ampuversary!! At least your human remembered….my 6 month ampuversary was 6 days ago and my dopey old mom forgot. She remembered yesterday so she and dad took me and monkeybutt Samson to my favorite store- Tractor Supply. Woo Hoo! They had real bunnies for sale but mom wouldnt get me one, geesh, I just want to chase it around a little. Afterwards we went to Applebees and got stuff to go. I got a mozzarella stick, mmmm.
Wow. A lot of things happen around your house! People leaving, people coming. No wonder you get stressed, sheesh!!
That aside – happy 2-week ampuversary! Well done on getting up the stairs. Attaboy, big D!!
Hooray for Ted! 🙂
Yeah, I’d “hooray for Ted” too if he went up 13 stairs, but I don’t know if he’s done that yet. I am not Ted, but he is my pal. I’ll tell him he needs to climb some stairs, though.
Dakota (who is not Ted)
Dakota (who is not Ted), congratulations on your ampuversary! You may not know exactly what it means, but it’s pretty important. Any time your humans want to celebrate one, just go with it, because you’ll probably get some pretty good treats out of it. Congrats again!
Congratulations! I got a a”trial fitting” on my harness today – my stitches won’t be coming out until next week so I think I’ll start using it then – let us know how you like it as you get more experience with it!