I am very happy to report that I had my humongoid dental exam and extensive mouth tidying-up and it cost so much money! Yippee! I am worth a lot! My Woman got some help paying for it because she needed it, and she said she is very grateful. I don’t know anything about that, but I do know that I am stoned out of my mind on a bunch of pain meds and I am so happy! I even tried to help Evelyn chase a moth flying around the room and I fell over. Oh man, that was funny!
They put me to sleep but I woke up with 3 legs still. I thought that they might cut one more off or put the old one back on, but they didn’t. I was kind of disappointed. This is what they did to me: cleaned my teeth; x-rayed some of my teeth; pulled 3 teeth; removed 2 tumors from my gums; sewed up my gums; buffed my ugly nose!
Yep, while I was asleep they buffed off the nasty stuff on my nose. Now I have new medicine to take to try to fix my likely-lupus. Since I start off with a nice nose, my Woman will be able to tell better if the new stuff fixes it. If my nose looks good in a couple of weeks, then the medicine is working. I didn’t feel it when they did it, but it is raw and sore now. Another reason for the pain stuff. And now I have 5 medicines to take! Can you believe it? That’s a bunch, and I’m going to try my hardest to give my Woman a really hard time about it. Good luck, lady! (P.S. I brought home the disgusting teeth so if anyone wants to see them, send me a PM but DON’T tell my Woman, ‘k?)