Recently I wasn’t feeling quite right. I don’t know why, but I was tired and not very interested in my food or in doing much. My Woman wrote about it here. She said I didn’t want to stand up to eat and I hadn’t eaten but a few bites in several days. Well guess what? I got a CARE package to help me want to eat again! It came from the Oaktown Pack! And I’m not even a German Shepherd. That is so cool!
The CARE package was made at the Paw Patch Pastry shop and it was full of the prettiest, cutest, tastiest bacon cookies you can imagine. Travis Ray said they are doggie crack, and I have no idea what that means but he is absolutely right! I am so cracked about these cookies! Thank you, thank you, thank you Travis, Austin, Codie, and even Smokey! And the Man and Woman, Ralph and Martha. You guys are pawesome!
Love, Dakota

Wow, Dakota – what an awesome present! And no less than a gorgeous boy like you deserve!
(Hope you don’t have to share with Evelyn…)
Angel Abby
I shared one. Nobody said that the definition of sharing had to include multiples.
Love, Dakota
The Oaktown Pack rules!
Wyatt suggests anyone who wonders who this pawesome pack is should watch this video from when Codie Rae and company visited Jerry’s Acres last summer.
Oh man, we watched it again and I sang again! I wonder what part of my pedigree of Irish Setter-Airedale-Golden-Bull Terrier-Scotty makes me sing like a hound dog. Anyway, you are right. The OP rules!
Love, Dakota
wow – that’s better than a trifecta!!!! you really scored bigtime (but then you are totally worth it…)
charon & spirit gayle
I have never had a trifecta. Are they good? Maybe after the bacon cookies. Oh wait, never mind. Thank you for the compliment. I think I’m worth it but my ego is not terribly small.
Love, Dakota
Cookie Coma cracked me up. 🙂
Try it Rumbles, you’ll like it!
Love, Dakota
Yummmmm!!! But now the Monkey girls are threatening to boycott their meals until they get some bacon cookies. So thanks, D-Dawg!
Those monkeybutts can miss a few meals no problem. Tosca is a big girl. I know, I know. She’s not fat, just big-boned. Maybe a bribe of bacon cookies would get Zephyr to behave. Bwahahahaha!!! Oh boy, that’s a good one!
Love, Dakota
Nice! The Oaktown pack rules! Hope you are out of your non-eating funk, Dakota.
Crack and canned food! I’m better, thank you. I still won’t eat much unless every piece of kibble has something tasty coating it. And I mean every single piece.
Love, Dakota
Dear Dakota!
We are so happy to hear that you are eating again! You do have pawesome friends! Its fur-buddies like you and the Oaktown Pack and many others is why we do what we do! Anytime you are feeling under the weather again just tell your women or man to give us a call. We have no problem spoiling our fur-buddies! Take care Dakota and a high paw to you!
Dear Carla,
If you made the crack cookies, then I owe you a huge shout-out! I still don’t know what the heck that means but Travis was so right. Earlier today my Boy took my worst roommate ever for a walk and I didn’t get to go. But guess what I got? It’s ok to stay behind. Thank you again for the yummies.
Love, Dakota
Baby is sooo jeolous… but happy that it got you eating. The vet’s always telling her to loose weight. At least she lost the weight of one leg ; ) . Looking so svelte! You keep on eating Dakota. Eating is gooooooood!
Judy and Baby
Oh My Sweet Double D!!! Glad the appetite is back…us Girlies need to keep up our strength. Don’t forget….Tripawds (and bacon0 RULE!!!!!!!!!!
OMD! Those cookies look 2 pretty to eat! Bet the sniffer couldn’t resist, then the licker…then the chomper! Pawsome Oaktown pack…you guys are awesome!
Carla is the chef who produces the bacon (crack) cookies. Travis met her at the Morris Walk in Los Gatos last October. Love at first bite! Paw Patch Pastries are the first Oaktown Pack endorsed product, outside of everything Tripawds! Somebody was so smitten Travis is now on the Paw Patch website in the Hall of Fame. Travis did not seem to care what flavor Carla was handing him, although the bacon seems to be the favorite of the Pack.
Wow Dakota! You are a special pooch! I’ll bet you needed a nap after all those delicious cookies!
The Oaktown pack represents!
That’s my middle aged white woman attempt at cool.
Oh well.
Nothing like bacon cookies to stimulate the appatite!
We get to see parts of the O-T pack once in awhile – they rock in person too!
Karen and the pugapalooza