Author: Dakota Dawg
Dakota lived high in Colorado and was a member of the February Furballs. He lost a front leg to soft tissue sarcoma on 2-11-11. Dakota impulsively decided to see what the whole "rainbow bridge" business was about on 12-15-12 and before we could stop him, he was gone. But never forgotten. Never.
View all posts by Dakota Dawg
yikes!!! it was monkeybutt baths day here in ET…must be something in the water…
charon & spirit gayle
Aaack! Dakota Dawg! You scared the c*#p out of us here in Oaktown with that post title! Glad it was just a bath dude! C’mon, you weren’t really gonna bite her, I know you weren’t. At least she didn’t go for the big blow dry. Hope you are enjoying your fluffiness now that its all over!
Codie Rae
MB Giant Toby says ‘Hee hee hee hee hee’
I knew you were in trouble as soon as I saw the first picure…ya know the one where she had you tied onto the sink!
You need to find something stinky to roll in! Stat!
MBBunny Rita
Hah! I thought you were gonna say your Momma vacuumed you up with that machine!
Your hair looks so fluffy and purdy now. How bad can THAT be….you’re a chick magnet again!
YES…in total agreement with MBBunny Rita!!
Proceed immediately to a remote corner of the yard….find a decaying pile of unknown “schmutz” … and ROLL IN IT!!
Report back and tell us what you found.