Shari here, taking the wheel from Dakota for a minute. This is what we come home to whenever we’ve been out. Every single time. Dakota can be a royal PITA at times with his quirks and fears and oddities, but when I come home and this is the first thing I see it can almost bring tears to my eyes.
Well, when they stopped the car and brought me into the car and into their lives, I wanted to do something in return. I can’t do much but I can watch. I can wait. I can let them know that the most important thing to me is when they open that door and come back. That’s all.
a defender of home and family, as dedicated as any marine defending his country. dakota, we salute you!!!
charon & spirit gayle
Thank you. Sorry it took so long to reply, but this Woman has been hogging the laptop. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Love, Dakota
Hey DDawg- Dont you get enough attention without getting your mom all mushy gushy by waiting by the entry for her to get home. Lazy? Nope. Loyal? Nope. Me thinks you are a smart one and know how to keep them wrapped around your paw-now they will do even MORE for you and give you more treats and get all teary eyed and make googoo sounds at you. Geesh. Gack. You probably have even perfected the head cocked to one side look for extra effect!
Miss Perdy Monkeybutt Extraordinaire.
BTW: How Ms Evelyn doing in skool? I am in remedial class. Week one- dad told me to sit. And I did. And then he had to clean it up. Week two- I kinda got the idea that sit means butt checks on the ground instead of, well you know. But then I went after the instructors melonhead dog or malinois or something. I guess I am labeled “doesnt play well with others” cause I am in a class by myself until I am “under control”….of course all monkeybutts are in a class by themselves. Please tell her MB Perdy said hello and I hope she is doing well.
Ok, I’ve been busy but I need to answer your delightfully intelligent questions. Evelyn has not gone for her train ride yet. The hairless bipawd arrived early and the whole family have been rather preoccupied. I have not met the bipawd yet and doubt that it’s anything worth getting out of bed early for. Once things settle down, though, Evelyn’s train will arrive.
I’m sure you will decide whether or not it’s worth it to play well with others. There are certainly tradeoffs. You could decide to suddenly do really well and make them all think you are some kind of prodigy. That might get you some delightful rewards. On the other hand, there is your reputation to consider. One must never casually discard one’s reputation for being a real turd. There can be true benefits. Consider carefully and choose wisely.
Love, Dakota
Oh, DDawg, between your mommy’s post and the fact you caught me by surprise looking so much like Comet in the pose, I got teary-eyed!
DDawg, I love quirks, fears and oddities! Which means I love you!
Oh I’m sure you would appreciate all my weirdness. You know, though, that all the carpet cleaning I do means I poop out fuzzballs, right?
Love, Dakota
See what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7hCoefzsDo
Oh, D-Dawg,
I wish I could come home to my loyal friend waiting for me… My “loyal” friends are usually sacked out on the couch or the bed and burglars could come and steal everything I own, and they’d probably sleep right through it. Lazy beasts, those monkey dogs…
Rio’s momma, Micki
Micki, I know you would give anything to have Rio meeting you at the door. I’m so sorry she isn’t there. We don’t live long lives, but we live our lives with a fierce intensity of love and loyalty. One reason you loved Rio so was because she burned brightly for a shorter time. The shorter the fuse, the brighter the flame. I for one appreciate the depth of your love for her. Any dog would count himself lucky to be part of your pack.
Love, Dakota
I got teary eyed too. He’s a keeper that’s for sure!
Thank you! I think I’ll keep the bipawds around, too. The Woman throws together some fairly decent stuff in the kitchen. And (here’s the funny thing) I poop and they clean up after me. Amazing.
Love, Dakota
We vote Loyal! What a sweet boy! He loves his pack!!
Rita is always right at the door waiting for me when I get home too. I wonder where she hangs out when we are gone, but I don’t know because she’s always right there at the door. So sweet!
Nothing like a lovely greeting from your pup. 🙂
I know what Rita does but I can’t tell. It would violate the Canine Privacy Act that you probably don’t know about. If you don’t know what she does, it means she’s hiding all the evidence really well.
Love, Dakota
Oh gosh, look at the smile on that face! I say loyal!
From one exceptional smiler to another, I say “thank you!”
Love, Dakota
How adorable!would definitely melt my heart every time. Keep being a charmer.
Your friend,
Bruno& Maricela
Oh I will certainly keep on charming them. Or at least pretending enough to convince them!
Love, Dakota
Aww so LOYAL! You go D-Dawg!
Ha! I sleep all day and act interested when I hear the key in the door. Secret’s out!
Love, Dakota