Ruff, ruff day

Dakota isn’t feeling up to writing down his feelings today so I will try my best to do half as well as he does at this blogging business.

Yesterday Dakota had a hard day. He had a few times where his incision or his shoulder was bumped and he yelped. Evelyn was playing and got very exuberant and jumped at Dakota like she’s used to doing. She landed on that poor shoulder and Dakota yelped something awful and then tried to eat Evelyn. I rescued her and sat with Dakota trying to calm him. He was trembling and very shaky. I convinced him to  lay down and then sat beside him until he seemed to calm down.

Later in the day, D must have gotten bumped somehow when he was going outside. I’m not sure if he brushed against the door jamb or if he stepped over the threshold funny or what, but he went through the same yelping and trembling. I went out with him and he appeared to become distracted and able to check out the scenery.

Dakota did spend a lot of time worrying his incision site yesterday. He completely soaked the shirt I had on him. Even though he’s wearing a shirt, he can still irritate the wound with all the licking. I had to put him back in the pink fleece that he hates. It’s really thick, so he can lick all he wants but it doesn’t get wet. I made him sleep in it, too.

After the second yelping episode, I gave Dakota a single Tramadol. He’s been off all pain meds since day 11 or so, but I didn’t know what else to do. I also hoped it would sedate him enough to interrupt the constant licking.

This morning, Dakota did the yelping again when he went down the single step into the back of the house. He even tried to bail out and not do the step down, but hey, with one front leg there’s really no bailing out. I had to go out with him to encourage him to pee. He was convinced, I think, that only pain would come from moving around.

Also, the inside of the pink fleece is stained this morning with seepage. I guess Dakota has irritated this thing enough to where it is leaking. I think I’m going to paint some vinegar close to the incision line and see if that stops the licking. If not, I have Cholula and Tabasco!

Dakota has eaten well so I don’t think anything serious is going on. Still, it’s disturbing to hear him cry out so. These are not minor yelps like when you step on a tail; these are the “oh dear lord I’ve been hit by a bus!” kinds of cries.

So that’s the report for 2 1/2 weeks. Hopefully Dakota will feel better this afternoon. If he does, perhaps he can post an update himself.

Author: Dakota Dawg

Dakota lived high in Colorado and was a member of the February Furballs. He lost a front leg to soft tissue sarcoma on 2-11-11. Dakota impulsively decided to see what the whole "rainbow bridge" business was about on 12-15-12 and before we could stop him, he was gone. But never forgotten. Never.

7 thoughts on “Ruff, ruff day”

  1. Aw. Poor Dakota. Sorry he’s had a tough time! Silly little sisters!

    The day after Catie came home from her surgery, her and Riley crowded at the doorway to greet some unexpected visitors. In the jostling, Catie got pushed against the door jamb – on the incision site. Dear god, what a cry she made; I’d never heard her make a sound like that. It was awful.

    If you get really worried and he keeps crying out, maybe put a call in to the vet’s office (that’s what I’d do because my anxiety levels tend to go from 0 to sky-high in nanoseconds). Hope he feels better!

  2. Oh Dakota, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. I wish I could take away your pain. Rest, rest, rest!!! You will get better.

    Woof Woof Woof


  3. We can certainly identify with your ups and downs! And those yelps can be heartbreaking! Hang in there – you have been such a great support – hopefully after a day of rest Dakota will be back on the upswing!

  4. Poor Dakota,
    It’s tough, going through these surgeries and hopefully it will get better soon. Last night when I went to help Rio up on the bed I accidentally lifted her right at her incision, and although she didn’t cry, she stiffened up and gave me a look that almost broke my heart. I felt so bad! But I know things will get better. For both Rio, and for Dakota, too. The stitches will heal, and the surgical pain will get better. And until then we just have to breathe deeply and not panic…. which is the hardest thing I’ve ever been asked to do……. but know you’re not alone in this….

  5. At almost 5 weeks, Ted does not have any pain at the surgery site. I actually massage his incision and entire body. He loves the attention and leans into me.

    There is an end to Rio’s and Dakota’s pain.

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