I Went to the V-E-T and Lived

It’s been a long time since I had any real news to report. Before this week, it was all the same: snow, rain, mud, snow, puddles. Lather, rinse, repeat. However, my Woman conspired against me and took me to a new v-e-t yesterday. I was not amused.

Shari here. For the record, Dakota does better in the car now that he can’t stand up and try to pace. Amputation apparently solves a myriad of problems.

I need to have my teeth fixed, and everyone knows about my schnoz. I have a working diagnosis of discoid lupus on my nose. My snoot. My snout. My schnozola. And the v-e-t thought it looked very much like lupus. And my Woman did act like she cared about me. When he told her all the things it looked like it could be, and then told her the treatment for those things, my Woman said “The treatments are all the same. So why do a biopsy?” I know what a biopsy is. They want to punch a piece out of this incredibly tender nose of mine. She tried to save me! I do love her!

There are several possibilities, but the treatment regimen for all included the same set of meds. I figure there is no reason to biopsy D if we can avoid it. He is traumatized enough just by looking at him cross-eyed. And 3 stitches in the tender nose sounds like something I would want to avoid for myself. If the nose doesn’t respond to treatment, then we may have to biopsy it.

They have ordered my medication and it should come in very soon, maybe today even. I have an appointment next week for my teeth. Because the jerks who tossed me out when I was a puppy didn’t take care of me or my mom, I have dental enamel hypoplasia. Big words. Another v-e-t said my mom probably had distemper when I was growing inside her, or maybe I had distemper when I was a baby. It often comes from that. But this hypoplasia business means my teeth are messed up. They’re all discolored, but the worst part is that they are weak and some are really worn. I don’t chew on tennis balls or rocks, but my teeth look like I do. Some are worn way down. I may come home with a lot fewer teeth than I have now. I also have developed a tumor at my gumline. This v-e-t thinks it’s benign, but it will be sent away to make sure.

Dakota developed on of these things almost overnight. It’s bugging him, but it will be gone next week, along with the tooth. I was told that they generally recur because they branch off from the offending tooth’s root. Dakota has a broken canine, which doesn’t appear to be hurting him but will likely be extracted. He’s had several extractions before. When he was a pup, we were told he might end up toothless due to his hypoplasia.

So that’s all the news from here. I’ll let you all know how things turn out next week.

Author: Dakota Dawg

Dakota lived high in Colorado and was a member of the February Furballs. He lost a front leg to soft tissue sarcoma on 2-11-11. Dakota impulsively decided to see what the whole "rainbow bridge" business was about on 12-15-12 and before we could stop him, he was gone. But never forgotten. Never.

10 thoughts on “I Went to the V-E-T and Lived”

  1. Oh Man! That stinks Buddy! I know all about that goin to the
    V-E-T business…the last time when they said “come on, Bud” I made a run for the door! The receptionist laughed so hard and said “that’s the smartest dog I’ve seen in a long time”. They are always working on me and now it sounds like you are goin in for the “works”. Maybe it will be all worth it though if your sniffer feels better and you can have the most delicious of treats without those teeth hurting! And yes, that woman and that kid love you VERY much!!!! I can tell! Hope to see you in July and maybe by then we will both be pawsome!
    Your Friend,

    1. Bud, it’s funny how smart we get when we need to be! I will let you know how things turns out and I can’t wait to meet you soon!

  2. Hey Dakota,
    Look on the bright side… at least you are not getting braces on your teeth! I hear they hurt and stay on a long time. I have strong teeth but my step-sis Tani hardly has any left, and she eats just fine!
    Your quad pug pal Obie

    p.s. what’s Evelyn doing?

    1. Evelyn has been running to the neighbor’s house and irritating their dogs. When they leave, the dogs are in a big run outside and she parks outside the fence and won’t leave. They go nuts. Then my Woman sends my Boy over there with the leash. Today Evelyn got wise and ran under the porch. My Boy had his Super Soaker with him…

  3. Oh MY! Sounds like your going in for yor 25000 mile tune up! Hope your nosey gets better soon so you can smell those yummy treats that you will be able to munch on once your teeth get fixed up.

    1. I’m not patient, Tate. I’m captive. If I could get out of this, I would. Although I do think my mouth will feel better once they get these teeth fixed up. The V-E-T said that he’d never seen teeth like mine unless the dog was eating rocks or tennis balls, and I do neither. So my teeth are unusual, apparently. I’ve gone to the dentist several times before, and every time they act like I’ve never seen a dentist. My teeth are just way messed up. I say pull ’em all now and be done with it!

  4. yikes!!! hope this ‘holds’ you until 2012!!! we recommend medicinal naps and extra treats…may not help your nose, but it can’t hurt either…

    charon & gayle

    1. You know Gayle, I have been practicing those naps for some time now and I almost have it right. I will take all the treats I can get, as long as they’re squishy. I don’t like hard stuff. If you have some cheese you can spare, I’ll send you my address.

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