Most Expensive Dental Procedure EVAR

I am very happy to report that I had my humongoid dental exam and extensive mouth tidying-up and it cost so much money! Yippee! I am worth a lot! My Woman got some help paying for it because she needed it, and she said she is very grateful. I don’t know anything about that, but I do know that I am stoned out of my mind on a bunch of pain meds and I am so happy! I even tried to help Evelyn chase a moth flying around the room and I fell over. Oh man, that was funny!

They put me to sleep but I woke up with 3 legs still. I thought that they might cut one more off or put the old one back on, but they didn’t. I was kind of disappointed. This is what they did to me: cleaned my teeth; x-rayed some of my teeth; pulled 3 teeth; removed 2 tumors from my gums; sewed up my gums; buffed my ugly nose!

Yep, while I was asleep they buffed off the nasty stuff on my nose. Now I have new medicine to take to try to fix my likely-lupus. Since I start off with a nice nose, my Woman will be able to tell better if the new stuff fixes it. If my nose looks good in a couple of weeks, then the medicine is working. I didn’t feel it when they did it, but it is raw and sore now. Another reason for the pain stuff. And now I have 5 medicines to take! Can you believe it? That’s a bunch, and I’m going to try my hardest to give my Woman a really hard time about it. Good luck, lady! (P.S. I brought home the disgusting teeth so if anyone wants to see them, send me a PM but DON’T tell my Woman, ‘k?)

Me in my big crate on the way home. See my new, raw nose?
This is me kind of wild-eyed, 'cause I'm high as a kite! Whee!

Author: Dakota Dawg

Dakota lived high in Colorado and was a member of the February Furballs. He lost a front leg to soft tissue sarcoma on 2-11-11. Dakota impulsively decided to see what the whole "rainbow bridge" business was about on 12-15-12 and before we could stop him, he was gone. But never forgotten. Never.

13 thoughts on “Most Expensive Dental Procedure EVAR”

  1. Dakota,

    Glad everything went good at the dentist. My momma went to the dentist today, too, but they didn’t exfoliate her nose. She also got to keep all of her teeth AND both of her legs!

    Hope the new meds work for you! Feel better!


    1. Hey Woo! Thanks for popping by! I’m so happy your momma kept her legs, and her teeth! That’s really the way it should be.

  2. Hang in there D. The meds will help you out. Your nose does not look too bad in the picture, but I am sure in person it is a different story.

    1. Ted, my friend, my nose looks pretty good. It’s really red and looks painful, but it looks much nicer than the boogery stuff that was on it before.

  3. yikes!!!! soon you’ll need one of those S_M_T_W_T_F_S cases for all your pills!! hope you get lots of rest (magic is in medicinal naps) and can stay out of the doctor’s office for a while. geesh, you are major brave!

    charon & gayle

    1. Hi Gayle! I hope I don’t need one of those pill suitcases. I may have to take some of this stuff forever (if it works for my nose), but the antibiotic for my teeth won’t last long, and I only took Tramadol yesterday and this morning. So now I’m down to 3…And I am not brave, but thanks for flattering me. You see, there’s this handle on the back of my harness. I can’t seem to get away from anybody with a handle on my back!

  4. Whew Buddy!
    I am so glad you got to keep those 3 legs….you never know what might happen when you go to sleep and wake up in one of those places! It sounds like they got you ALL fixed up!
    Dude…. your eyes look glossy in your picture, you must be on some good stuff!
    Be careful chasing stuff…. those monkey dogs like to knock us over while we are loopy!
    Get that sniffer better so we can hang!!!!

    1. Oh Bud, I think it would be fun to see you, too. And Evelyn really wants a chance to knock you over! I came down from flying around the house and my Woman says No More Tramadol because I’m chewing on a bone now. I think my mouth feels better in spite of what they did to me.

  5. Hey Dakota-
    Wow, have they named a wing at the vet after you yet?
    If I was you I would take the meds… mouth pain sucks!!! I’m not saying take it when offered the first time- make her work a little- but as soon as the right treats come out take the meds!
    Mag couldn’t have dental work done while on chemo- when she got done we had to do a dental and they pulled SIX teeth! But at least there was no gum sewing…
    Hope you don’t have too much of a hangover when you come down off the meds.

    Karen and the pugapalooza

    1. Hey Karen, my mouth feels better now because of all the stuff they did to me. Funny how that is, but I had those 2 bumps in my mouth, plus a big ol’ loose tooth, and it hurt. Now it kinda hurts still, but it’s a better hurt. Does that make sense? I have my favorite bone right now, and I can handle it. I stole it from Evelyn. Tell Obi-Wan and see what he says. Maybe he’ll want to rescue her.

  6. You are still looking handsome even if your Woman keeps taking you to the vet to have work done 🙂 Tell her to get you something nice to chew on and stay strong, bud!

  7. Dakota, you are one good looking tripawd – even when you are all drugged up ~ rest up and feel good sweetie xoxo

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