Whoa, I’m still hung over and queasy, but I had a wild weekend! I spent the weekend with Wyatt Ray Dawg and Evelyn the Embarrassment. That’s her new name. It was my 4-month ampuversary and my Woman loaded me and the Embarrassment and my Boy into the car and took us all away for the weekend. I don’t like car rides, you know, and I wasn’t happy to go. But it was still fun and entertaining. And dang did we keep the humans busy! That was worth every minute, watching them do all kinds of stuff to keep us happy and out of trouble. I figure it’s the least I can do to pay my Woman back for hacking off my leg.
So what did we do? Well, I slobbered a lot, panted a whole bunch and drank gallons of water. I growled some, curled my lip a few times, laid on the deck in the sun, ate some ice cream, and explored outside. I peed on as many of Wyatt’s pee spots as I could work it up for (why do you think I drank all that water) and continually ran up the hillside to my Car and waited for the back end to pop up so I could jump in. Hey, I have issues. You know this if you’ve been payin’ attention.
We were a bunch of recalcitrant miscreants, according to my Woman. Look it up. I did. (Recalcitrant: —Synonyms
1. resistant, rebellious, opposed. See unruly. Miscreant: 1. a wrongdoer or villain; 2. archaic an unbeliever or heretic)
Oh yeah, we were rebellious, unruly villains and heretics. Here is proof:

HAHAHA! Oh Dakota, what are we going to do with you guys? Sounds like fun. And judging by the picture of Evelyn I think she seems awesomely fun! Sorry, please forgive me…
I hope you’ve recovered well. Seeing as how Evelyn is such a heavy drinker, I bet if you go bark in her ear real loud that’d be enough pay back for all the embarrassment!
Baaaahhhh hhhaaawwww hawwww!!!!
Dakota, are you trying to tell my Dad to get with the program and post the pawty pics? OK I’ll bug him.
Hey man thanks for spending the weekend at my crib. I’ve got lots of investigating to do around here to check out all the surprises you and the Embarassment left me!
Miss you already!
we are laughing our tails off!!! geesh, if only there was a parade float….
totally PAWESOME!