To be honest, I have no memories of anything having to do with one year ago. I was knocked out, flat on my butt with several attractive women hovering over me and attending to my every need. No, my memories pick up again sometime in the evening when I finally roused myself enough to pay attention to where I was and what was going on.
There was a difference, for sure, but there was no pain. And there were the women. If I were not a dog, I would have been majorly impressed. There was the really pale and rather ethereal one who was in charge. There was the dark and incredibly serious one with the Australian accent who kept pronouncing my name with the accent on the first syllable. And then there were the minions, the ones I ordered around just with a glance. Man, what a life.
I have since come to terms with the loss of my leg. I still don’t buy the story my Woman and my Man fed to me about cancer. After all, my leg never hurt me and I never limped or begged for mercy the way some of you did. I still know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was coerced into going to sleep with all these lovely women nearby and then the leg fairies stole my leg by stealth and under cover of darkness. I have resigned myself to knowing that I was victim of something equivalent to the sirens, the lovely ladies who called to sailors and lured them into the briny depths. I didn’t know there were leg sirens or I would have lashed myself to the bumper of my Woman’s car the same way the sailors lashed themselves to their ships.
Looking back on this year, I have learned a lot. I learned that I am much more capable than I ever thought I was. I have heard my Man call me a weenie, and I guess I was. I try not to be a weenie now, though. I think I am braver and stronger now than I was a year ago. I got over many of my fears and plunged ahead, led by the fearless humans in my pack. My Woman expects great things of me and I don’t want to let her down, so I follow on. Sometimes she asks things of me that make me pee on the floor, but she encourages me and loves me and helps me overcome. So there. I’m a lucky guy and I know it. First, my Man stopped the car. Second, my Woman put me in her lap and never let go (even when I gave her mange). And third, I got a new chance when the sirens or fairies or whatever took away my leg. My folks love me a lot and spoil me, and I know I’m a lucky guy.
Love, Dakota

Hoppy one year ampuversary, Dakota-Dawg. You are a rock star among Tripawds, and we are so happy that you continue to make cancer look like the wussie it is. We are still whooping it up, and fully plan to continue the pawty as long as the cookies hold out!
Hugs to you from us!!!
Rio’s momma and monkey-sisters
Hoppy one year ampuversary D Dawg. You have made the adjustment to every change in your life this past year look easy. Good for you.
Hoppy one year, you beautiful dawg you! Nothin’ says celebration like bacon!
(We have it all the time here in heaven… I will have some in your honor today! I have it everyday, but today it will be in your honor!)
Angel Abby
Happy 1 year!!!!!! WOW! A year! We are going to do some serious celebrating here in VEGAS!!
you are a brave and true boy. congrats on your one year ampuversary, we are celebrating the entire month!!
charon & spirit gayle
Dakota, you da man!
Hoppy one year ampuversary!!!
Yo Dakota Dawg! Happy Hippy Hoppy Numbah One! Thanks for giving us a reason to pawty! Mom had bacon in your honor today–she couldn’t figure out why she was jonesing for that maple smoked goodness so bad until she read your post! But she wouldn’t share! No matter how piteously we begged! We gonna sneak up on her–Austin will trip her (he’s good at that) and then Smokey will lick her ear (he’s really good at that) until she begs for mercy. Then, while she is all disoriented, I will herd her to the fridge (I have a certificate in herding ya know) and make her get out the bacon. Travis will bat his big brown eyes at her and melt her heart (his specialty) and She.Will.Cook. Bacon. for the OP+1!! WooHOO! We will celebrate your pawesomeness in style Dakota Dude!
Lots o’ tripawd love and 13 paws up for YOU here in Oaktown!
All of us bacon lovers 🙂
Yay!! Happy 1year ampuversary Dakota Dawg!! You are awesome!!
You’re no weeine, you’re a jumbo hot dawg!
Hoppy ampuversary old man, you’re my hero.
Hoppy 1 year ampuversary Dakota! We are proud of you & so happy to have gotten to know with you. Hope you pawtied it up!
Spirit Chili Dawg
Yeah Dakota! Happy 1 Year Ampuversary!!!
You are a brave and strong pooch! A great role model for all the Tripawds!
Smooches to you!