i’m gonna get a train ride!

i heard my momma lady talkin to my pop and gess what? i’m gonna get a train ride! a lady name diane is gonna take me. i heard my momma lady say so. she say hey diane evelyn needs to do that train stuff. so i get a train ride.

Dakota here. Evelyn is an idiot. Diane is not a train conductor. She’s a dog trainer. Evelyn is going to boot camp with the Woman.

so i dunno where the train will ride me to but it will be very citing and speshul. i hope i get to go toot toot toot on that horny thing.

Geez, she’s in for a rough landing from la-la land, isn’t she? You want to tell her, or should I?

nuther thing. my momma lady and my pop are taking a big car ride on monday. they is goin to some hot springs. no dogs can go. but we get a baby sitter and her name is linda. momma showed linda where she keeps the cookies and i will say we get 5 a day.

I don’t think Linda speaks our language. I think when my Woman leaves that note that says we can have one a day, we’re getting one a day. Again…you want to tell her, or should I?

so dat’s all the big news from here. i will send you a post card from my train ride! bye bye! all board! tickets pleeze! oh is so citing!

Good grief. 

oh here is a pitcher of me sleepin in the dining room. it is my favorite room.



Author: evelyn

my tripawd was Dakota. we had fun and i miss him. I like food. lots.

13 thoughts on “i’m gonna get a train ride!”

  1. Dear D Dawg,
    I am writing for the knucklehead Perdy cause she doesnt have her own account yet. She got really excited when we read MB Evelyn talking about her train ride cause Miss Perdy thinks she has a 1st class ticket sitting next to her. We didnt read Dakotas comments to her because we did not want to burst her bubble. Dad went yesterday to “buy her ticket” and the “train ride” starts next Saturday. Should we get the dunce caps out and tell them that they are special hats for riding the train? Bhwahahahahaha
    Spirit Samson007

    1. Hi Samson! I know you have gone somewhere pretty exciting and special yourself! I was surprised to hear that but I’m really relieved that your folks didn’t make you hang around hurting just to please themselves. Your family have their heads screwed on right.

      Now, about Miss Perdy’s train ride…I think you should leave her to her blissful ignorance. And you know, we have a picture around here of Evelyn in a dunce cap. I’ll have to find it for you.

      Thanks for checking in, buddy. You may have been playing for the other side but when push comes to shove, we’re all dogs around here.

      Love, Dakota

  2. Dakota, Buster would think the same as Evelyn. I would just let him think that. Wait until I blog about Buster’s first road trip from this weekend. Boy, he and Evelyn would make a pair, let me tell you!


    1. Oh Finchy, I would love to hear about Buster’s road trip. Did he eat the upholstery? Dear Lord, he didn’t eat the children, did he? I can hardly wait. WRITE!

      Love, Dakota

  3. well…maybe it will be a short ride on a long train… evelyn, you just keep enjoying life your way – don’t let the naysayers get you down.

    charon & spirit gayle

    (oh, mel and sam think five cookies a day isn’t nearly enough, ask for ten)

  4. Dear Dakota,

    How can I get one of those “tickets” for MonkeyCat Jinx? Do they make any of those tickets “one way?

    Always keepin’ it real DD…Love ya!


    1. Dear Pegz,

      Cats are different. Sometimes you can sandbag a cat into believing almost anything if you embellish it enough. They like to think they’re all high-and-mighty and ultra-intelligent (which I’m sure you know), so if you use big words they don’t understand they may go along with it so they don’t seem stupid. So what I’m saying is this: Spice up the train “invitation” with big words and take Jinx for a long ride to someplace like a fishing boat about to leave for Alaska. Then run like hell.

      Love, Dakota

  5. Boy, Dakota, your Evelyn is something else. I am still just a pup, but even I know you can’t make the humans give you as many treats as you want/deserve. Believe me, I have tried!

    As for training, my mama is under the delusion that she can train me herself. I learn just enough to keep her hopes up, but then I forget everything every once in a while to keep her on her toes. It’s pretty funny actually. Anyway, training = treats, so I am always up for that! So if I backslide a little, well, that just means more treats!!

    Hope the Linda lady is a softie and gives you more than one treat. Damn one treat. You guys live in a prison or something??
    MBBunny Rita

  6. BOL…DD!!

    I bow to you, Sensei.

    Your cat wisdom is indicative of your overall pawsomeness. If I can pull a fast one on my chick, we will try the Alaska fishing boat thing.

    Forever grateful,

  7. So maybe you’ll get the train “that whispers.” There is a TV show about it. I’m guessing your mom is right to go with a professional. Not all dogs can be as saintly as D Dawg and me!

    Perhaps we could refer just today I ate a loaf of bread off the counter Daisy…good grief…there wasn’t even any icing or sprinkles on it!
    She did put herself in time out though.


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