last year i sent my boyfren oberon a token of my infekshun affekshun. i sent him a lil red hart to wear on his coller. well gess what? at crismuss i got a present in the mail and it was from him! i think we are gaged now and maybe will get married!
isn’t this so bery citing? i am cited. are you? course you are! you all love me so much so you are cited for me!
everybody calls him obie but his reel name is oberon and that’s what i call him. his momma lady is momma karen who lived with spirit maggie the tripug. now momma karen lives with oberon and tani. and i am in love with oberon!
so here is what i got. i am such a bery lucky woman. a handsome boyfren and being in love. thank you oberon. you are so sweet.